David Paarup

Software engineer with a sense for detail, quality and team work. Always striving to learn.


- Full stack developer - LetsReg - Oslo; 2022 - now: Design and development of the web application and services using Angular, .Net, MSSQL, Kubernetes and Azure.

- Software engineer - Danske Bank - Copenhagen; 2019 - 2022: Design and development of a sustainability related web application and services using Angular, .Net and MSSQL.

- Software engineer - IIC (Part-time) - Madrid; 2018 - 2019: Modularisation of large Bash scripts using Python, converting them to micro-services orchestrated by Kubernetes.

- Software developer - Flexxible (Internship) - Madrid; 2018: Automation of virtual machine configuration and deployment using Chef and VMware.


- Computer science - UAM (Bachelor) - Madrid; 2015 - 2019: General hardware and software knowledge.


.Net, Angular, SQL, Azure and Kubernetes.


Spanish, English and Danish.

Contact: hi@davidpaarup.com

Location: Oslo

Birth date: 24-12-1992